about us

Children's Dignity Forum (CDF) - Utu wa Mtoto

Children’s Dignity Forum (CDF) is a voluntary, private, non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit-making civil society children’s rights organization founded and registered in 2006 under the NGO Act No. 24/2002. CDF’s headquarters are in Dar es Salaam with other offices in Dodoma Region and Mara Region. CDF is a child rights organization and a lead agency in ending Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), child marriage, teenage pregnancy and harmful practices that affect the wellbeing and dignity of girls and young women in Tanzania. CDF provides a forum for dialogue on contentious issues affecting children and young women.

CDF achieves this through empowerment of children and young women to understand and claim their rights; strengthening child protection and participation systems and structures; and engaging men and boys for gender equality. In promoting child’s rights, CDF works with the Government, development partners and other likeminded organizations from international to local level. Moreover, CDF is the secretariat of two vibrant national networks in Tanzania; Tanzania Ending Child Marriage Network (TECMN) and the MenEngage Tanzania (MET) Network.

Our Vision

CDF envisages a Tanzania landscape where children dwell in a context permeated with dignity and where social justice is upheld.

Our Mission

CDF is a non-profit organization that works for promotion of children’s rights for most vulnerable children, through creation of working forums that empower children, families and communities.

our core values

We adhere to and embrace these core values

Gender Equality

Involves mainly creation or promotion of similar conditions necessary for access to resources, benefits, and participation for both sexes.

Partnership and Participation

None imposition or suppression of views or opinions on others, but instead working together towards consensus building.

Voice of the Children

Ensuring that children’s voices are audible and guide or inform the development process accordingly.

Our Causes

Thematic Areas

Girls & Young Women Empowerment

Girls & Young Women Empowerment program is designed to empower girls of age 10 – 25 years to realize their education, health and economic rights in tackling FGM, teenage pregnancies, child marriages and other harmful practices.

Child Protection & Participation

Child Protection refers to preventing and responding to any form of violence, exploitation and abuse against children. The programs focused on make sure children are protected at all level through strengthening child protection structure mechanisms.

Men & Boys Engagement

Men & Boys Engagement focuses on engaging men and boys to promote gender equality and the welfare of children and women. It aims to empower men and boys to realize their role in ending gender-based violence and promoting gender inclusive parenting.

Fostering Partnership

CDF endeavours to create synergies with different partners towards reaching its goals in promoting children and young women’s rights and welfare. CDF also works with the government of the United Republic of Tanzania, through different ministries, collaborating on policy development and the implementation of programs aimed at protecting vulnerable groups.

Access to Quality Justice among Child Survivors and Offenders

Focusing on improving access to justice among children and women survivors of violence by working with actors in the justice chain system. Interventions under this thematic area aim to improve protocols and practices of investigations, prosecutions, and court proceedings of juvenile cases in Tanzania.

Our Partners

Our Development Partners

Our Blog

Latest News From Our Blog

Women & Girls Empowerment

It is possible to create a world where all women and girls are empowered and free from all forms of violence.

Girls' Rights

Girls have the right to access information about reproductive health to reduce unintended pregnancies and protect themselves from diseases.

Gender Roles

Gender roles benefit men more than women. Men and boys have important roles in bridging this gap in their families by promoting the respect.

Discussion Forum

Training through peer groups is a great way to empower young people in various issues that concern them, such as self-esteem

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